Welcome to My Website

Study English OnlineWelcome to my many friends around the world and of course a big welcome to new visitors who wish to study English online.

In addition to focusing on learning English online on this website, which you can do by clicking on the image to the right, I would like to take the opportunity this  month to draw attention to my friends and new friends in China and elsewhere in the world especially students considering coming to the UK or USA to study and those students whether from China or anywhere in the world who would be interested in receiving advice on career development or even those students seeking to study accountancy at whatever level. Do please click here for more information. I hope you find it of interest.


Just a small tip if needed, if you wish to view my website in another language, if it doesn’t default to your language, for example Chinese (Simplified)  or Spanish just go to the menu above and select your language from the small  box with a flag in it.

Do please click on the ‘Posts’ option from the menu above or on the right sidebar where you will find several posts relating to learning English or if you just want to get on with learning English online click on the ‘Learn English Online’  image above. It’s free to join, no credit card needed to join, many features free once signed up. You have nothing to lose by joining and having a look at what’s offered, try!

I  hope you enjoy reading my website.

As always do please continue to ask any questions you may have by using the reply/comment box at the bottom of most pages or alternatively you may contact me by clicking on the ‘Contact Me’ option on the menu above.

I am happy to help anytime.

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