I have noticed over the past months many English words that are for some reason being used more and more in everyday conversations whether for political reasons or a sign of the times. Personally I find the use of some of them rather stupid and annoying but then that is me 🙂
Here are some of them:
To be honest – This is used so frequently in conversation especially when a person is being interviewed, for example:
A person is asked – “what did you think of the football match last night?”
The person replies – “To be honest I thought the match was very good and exciting”
Why does he or she have to say “To be honest…..” are they not normally honest when they reply?!!!!
Wouldn’t a better way of answering be to say? – Frankly I thought the match……” or better still just get straight to the point and answer the question without ‘to be honest” or “frankly” at the beginning.
Nuance – Heard very frequently these days. It means a slight shade or degree of difference, as in color, tone, or meaning.
I am pretty old in years but I can say that I don’t think I ever heard this word being used during my earlier years.
Sustainable – Everything it seems these days must be sustainable. A good definition I came across is:
When inclusivity relates to people on an interpersonal level it means:
- Covering or including everyone and is non-discriminatory.
- Open to everyone : not limited to certain people.
- Including the stated limits and everything in between.
Used a lot these days in terms of races, colour and sexual orientation.