выучить английский язык для россиян – Learning English for Russians
Today I am focusing on Russia where there is a significant demand to learn English for Russians so that Russians are able to learn to speak English fluently.
I came across some very interesting information about the people of Dushanbe which is the capital of Tajikistan in Russia which I would like to share with you and specifically my Russian visitors to my website.
For those of you who do not know where Dushanbe is in Russia, please see the map below.
The co-ordinates for Dushanbe are: 38°32′12″N 68°46′48″E with an elevation above sea level of 706 m (2,316 ft)
Dushanbe has a population of just 779,000.
State TV has made English the preferred language, without subtitles for films, so that the people of Dushabe are given the opportunity to learn and/or improve their English in order that they are able to enhance their standard of living by being able to meet the opportunities available if one speaks English.

This is a really bold step and demonstrates the recognition by State TV of the importance of learning English as a second language, ESL, and their desire to help the population of the state of Tajikistan which is a pretty poor state in the former Soviet Central Asian state.
The people of Dushabe are now able to watch Hollywood films in English, now the most popular foreign language.
A very small percentage of the population know English well but many are keen to learn English hoping that they will get the opportunity to study abroad or work for an international company where English is demanded and thus improve their earning power so that they are able to enjoy a higher standard of living.
Obviously those people keen to learn and improve their English have to have a basic understanding of spoken English in order to enjoy the Hollywood films however by watching the films it is a free source for improving their spoken English and vocabulary.
Additionally viewers will hear the pronunciation of words and learn expressions from native speakers.
The state television also shows news broadcasts in English, read by Tajiks which is really commendable.
English is increasingly being seen as the key to economic opportunity.
Even in a small city like Dushabe in Russia the people there are recognising the importance of learning English as a second language.
If this post or indeed any of my other posts has inspired you to learn English on line, which I hope it has, an excellent place where you can do so may be found by clicking here.
If I can help in any way to assist you in learning English online please do not hesitate to contact me or leave a reply on this post, I would be very pleased to hear from you.
Thank you and best wishes.