I’m a native English speaker and I just had trouble spelling ‘vocabulary’ so if you wish to learn English vocabulary or indeed improve your English vocabulary do not feel alone as I clearly need to improve also. 🙂 Joking aside, improving ones English vocabulary is a never ending task, why?, because apparently according to a […]
Learn English Online
Why not learn English online by taking advantage of modern day technology? If you have a laptop or PC or iPad or even an Android phone or Apple iPhone you will be able to study English online as long as you have access to the wonders of the Internet. There are of course several ways […]
Some Famous English Quotations
“Happiness lies in good health and a bad memory” Ingrid Bergman “Knowledge is Power” Sir Francis Bacon “Ability is nothing without opportunity” Napoleon Bonaparte “Education is the best provision for the journey to old age” Aristotle “History will be kind […]
Some Facts about the English Language
Hi, I thought a few people visiting this page might be interested in a few interesting and odd facts about the English language. You might find some of these facts useful to quote to your friends or family when chatting over a coffee or a drink and telling them that you are considering or about […]